City of Oakland - Public Property PLUS

Offene Fälle: 17.492 Geschlossene Fälle: 336.769 Anerkannte Fälle: 126.869
  • 5211 Broadway Oakland, CA, 94618, USA - Shafter
  • 282 Van Buren Ave Oakland, CA 94610, USA - Adams Point
    scooter blocking sidewalk
  • 633–647 10th St Oakland CA 94607, United States - Downtown
    Homeless are illegally constructing a home on several parking spaces next to the lafayette square park. Illegal, not legal. They are currently creating a roof for it as we speak. I do not think this is permitted at all, needs to be removed.
  • 18th St & Campbell St Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Prescott Oakland Point
    Porta Potty dropped off at corner of Campbell & 18th St. Not sure why this porta potty was dropped off here 2 weeks ago. Already there was kids blowing up fireworks inside of it and it was knocked over the next week. If it is for the park it needs to be moved closer to the park center where everyone usually is. This is a bad look for this great neighborhood. Please move this down campbell st.
  • 3900 Wattling St Oakland CA 94601, United States - Fruitvale Station
    Since the towing shop re-open there are a lot of car on the side walk and a lot mens playing illegal games on sidewalk / smoking/ screaming i live in the new residences on wattling and they are also on the red zone the men also using restroom on the side walk by car there are kids living in the residence this is not acceptable
  • 528 Merritt Ave Oakland CA 94610, United States - Cleveland Heights
    No permits for this have been pulled. They are threatening to tow peoples car via a relative owned towing company out of Hayward if they park within 50ft of it
  • 1269 18th St Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Oak Center
    A car was abandoned blocking the loading dock driveway to Defremery swimming pool. The car is located on the Poplar st. side. We need the car removed to access garbage pick up and perform daily duties at the swimming pool.
  • 5976 Telegraph Ave Oakland, CA 94609, USA - Fairview Park
    J Leonard has blocked the public street in front of his resale store
  • 1835-1971 Myrtle St Oakland, CA, 94607, USA - Ralph Bunche
    Construction crew for 1919 Market just blocked all of the parking on the Myrtle street side of the warehouse with no warning, and the permit they just put out says that their no parking permit expired Jan 1 2021.
  • I-580 E Oakland, CA, 94610, USA - Adams Point
    Large pile of trash on the sidewalk spilling into the street. This is impeding both walking on the sidewalk in parking on the street.
  • 6144-6198 Colby St Oakland, CA, 94618, USA - Fairview Park
    Huge sinkhole near the intersection of 62nd Street and Colby. It is 4' wide and at least 5' deep. A childs bike could vanish into that sinkhole. Someone is going to die there. It is the middle of the street just North of 62nd and Colby. A new record for huge pot/ sink holes in Oakland perhaps.
  • 30th St & Linden St Emeryville, California, 94608 - Clawson
    This trailer has been parked and blocking a red zone and impeding clear traffic since January 4, 2023. We have seen no tickets/warning or any signs that the City even cares about this spot. There is also been neighborhood notice and warnings that this trailer has stolen property in it. PLEASE REMOVE THIS TRAILER NOW. It has also affect street sweeping for going on 5 months.